How to balance America’s budget?

Putting an end to Debt crisis and balancing the American budget. The Magic Principles (that perhaps everyone knows):

  1. Don’t spend the money that you don’t own.
  2. Don’t keep on issuing debt instruments to raise money and fund various initiatives that the American people don’t consider important.
  3. The voter appeasement policy has to stop. You cannot continue funding free initiatives such as healthcare. “Free” sounds good to voters and this influences their ability to analyze the long-term effect on the economy and the type of America that we would leave for the next generations.
  4. Corporate income taxes have to be reduced so that the companies can bring their money home.
  5. Limitation on off-shoring for cheaper labor cost.  Strict measures have to be adopted on businesses that make “cheaper labor cost” as their only business model.
  6. Overall spending has to go down. It will require a cut from all sectors/departments.
  7. No foreign aid except in situations of natural disasters and grounds of humanity.
  8. Control of the outflow of money from the United States.
  9. Reduce welfare by offsetting domestic job creation.
  10. Flat income taxes for individuals. Everyone must pay a fair share to the country.
  11. Overall spending has to decrease significantly. Add a “US Growth Initiative” department whose focus would be to create jobs, put unemployed and underemployed people to work, create and support businesses, help entrepreneurs who want to start a company, and various other initiatives to grow America towards prosperity.
  12. End of skilled worker visa: This program has cost millions of jobs in the US. It’s hard to believe that the US could not produce skilled workers anymore. Moreover, the wages earned by these workers flow outside the US.
  13. Treat the federal government money like it’s your own money and think twice before spending.