Will Democrats Lose 2020 Presidential Election to Republican Donald Trump?

It is widely speculated and polls after polls suggest that Donald Trump would lose. I had predicted in 2014 that someone, an outsider, would jump in Republican politics and tap in to the rising age of populism. That man turned out to be Donald Trump in 2015. I again predicted that he would win despite all the odds and polls, pundits and media suggesting a defeat. I continue to suggest that Trump will again in 2020.

Following are few of the many reasons why Trump will win:

Trump now has a track record that he won’t plunge US into unnecessary wars. Before 2016, some voters were pushed into believing that Trump would invite World War Three. Contrary to suggestions, US has increased its global dominance, built stronger defense, and even tested it by taking out a sitting general of an adversary nation, Iran.

Trump now has a track record that economy would reach to new heights under his leadership. He not only unleashed growth, he also took the sinking markets back up again after the Corona virus hit unexpectedly.

Trump now has a track record that unemployment would be lowest under his watch. Measure unemployment in any metrics: Black, Hispanic, Asian. Everyone benefited.

Trump has a track record that he will continue to pursue immigration reform (most were blocked or never pursued by the establishment).

Trump has made US companies even more powerful by protecting or advancing their interests. Despite the open willingness of the tech companies to defeat Trump, Trump has helped crush the rising global video streaming app TikTok, communication tech Huawei, super app WeChat. Trump’s actions have directly benefited Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, and many others.

Trump’s unpopularity among media circles have made the polls super biased. If Trump voters were shy in showing their support towards candidate Trump in 2016, why would they show in 2020 when they have seen Trump supporters being beaten, harassed, killed, silenced or fired. This fear has deprived pollsters from talking to likely Trump voters. It is even said that your closest friend who trashes Trump publicly could be voting for Trump in the voting booth.

Trump voters are the most forgiving and sticky voters. Trump could do hundreds of things wrong but still the voters know that the man is in love with America. He says and does things that drives many crazy but he has the confidence that he would think of America’s best interests. If you take a quick poll and ask a Trump voter whether he or she will vote for Trump again, the answer is almost likely a Yes. These voters have been cautiously watching the drama of several years and waiting to cast their vote.

Americans tend to vote for another party every eight years. After eight years of Republican Bush, Democrat Obama was elected for years. It was highly likely voters would vote for a Republican. Following the past precedents, voters will give Trump another term.

Trump has successful pushed Democrats into narratives that center-right leaning United States does not believe in. In an effort to oppose everything that Trump said or did, Democrats took some positions that sounds very anti-America, not anti-Trump. While sounding anti-Trump is perfectly fine in a democracy, sounding anti country isn’t perceived well anywhere. Among countless mistakes, I will list a few:

Mistake 1: Trashing the law enforcement officers – When Pelosi calls law enforcement officers “Trump Troopers”, you could guess that those people in uniform would not appreciate it. As citizens, they may like or dislike Trump personally, but they take an oath to serve the country and community, not Trump or Pelosi. Many Democrats openly suggested defunding the police, eliminate Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They said everything against the federal officers who were deployed to protect the federal properties. What Democrats forgot is these officers are also citizens, they have relatives, wife, son, daughter, father, mother. Would the officer’s daughter appreciate Nancy Pelosi calling her dad or mom a “Trump Trooper”? How about Kamala’s claim that ICE officials are like KKK?

Mistake 2: Democrat President and Vice President Candidates – Joe Biden has notoriously on record said several extremely racist things. His actions have put several, especially minorities, in prison. It is widely believed that he gaffes racist things because he is very likely a racist. He has a track record of not achieving anything in his half century in politics. He went on to choose a minority candidate for VP whose ancestors were not the ones who have suffered the brutal system of slavery in America. Kamala is a half Indian (a higher caste Brahmin from caste system plagued India) and half Black from Jamaica (not an American descendant of slave). Her record on going after Black and Brown people was rightly pointed by congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Additionally, as a Californian, she would fail to swing the votes in states that matter.

Mistake 3: Putting world ahead of America – Democrats fought Trump’s attempt to secure the border. They advocated to open the border and let every one come in.

Mistake 4: Not caring for Americans jobs – Democrats have fought every attempt from Trump to curb illegal immigration.

Mistake 5: Support for gang members – When Trump actively wanted to deport MS13 gang members and illegal aliens committing crimes in US, Democrats opposed Trump and his policy of removing criminals from the country thereby making the communities, especially poor neighborhoods, very unsafe.

Mistake 6: Mixing Legal Immigrants with Illegal Immigrants – Democrats have put both the legal immigrants and illegal immigrants in the same bucket. While Trump has been against illegal immigration which puts downward pressure on wages, Democrats have pursued to keep illegal immigrants in US to continue suppressing wages for middle and lower class Americans.

Mistake 7: Importing or Protecting illegal immigrants when US Citizens faced unprecedented unemployment – When the Fed projected 47 million could be unemployed due to the Corona virus pandemic, Democrats pushed to include a clause in the $2 trillion relief bill to protect illegal immigrants from deportation. This showed that Democrats were more interested in keeping the illegal immigrants safe than to quickly send relief to Americans who were standing in the long food bank lines.

Mistake 8: Healthcare for all including illegal immigrants – If this happens, only for healthcare alone America would become a magnet for illegal immigration. More importantly, who would pay for the expense? How could healthcare become more affordable? Affordability question has been completely ignored. As socialists, Democrats have been repeatedly taxing the middle class to fund the welfare of illegal immigrants. For example, after Obamacare, middle class Americans faced steep rise in insurance premium; many lost health insurance. The increased premium was used to pay for others. Instead, they could have decreased the insurance premium by making all customers pay. Of course, that didn’t make sense politically.

Mistake 9: Democrat’s attack on religion and people of faith – Democrats have a track record of attacking people of faith or denying them the freedom to practice their faith. Voters found this out very openly during Corona virus pandemic when the establishment cracked down people who wanted to go to Church.

Mistake 10: Extremist support on abortion – While most Democrats used to be to pro-choice, post 2016, some like the democrat governor of Virgnia suggested aborting babies around the time of their birth. This was the most outrageous comment ever made in the history of abortion rights debate. This was so extreme that it should have been denounced by every human being. Yet, his radical idea found support in the Democrat party.