Kathy Barnette and Pennsylvania Republican Primary Election

Republicans have been attacking Kathy Barnette. Not only establishment Republicans; the list includes many in the Trump circles such as Sean Hannity. To some degree, even Trump. Despite all attacks, Kathy is rising in the polls.

While it’s completely fair to question a candidate’s background in a democracy, it’s wrong to expect that all candidates will have an impeccable linear background. If the Founding Fathers wanted only a certain class of person to hold elected public office, they would have written that in the constitution.

A Black American woman born as a result of her mother being raped at the age of 12 is challenging other candidates who came from much-privileged backgrounds than hers. No one has to agree with her views or political positions. That is up to the Pennsylvania voters to decide. But to destroy her because she wasn’t born in a privileged family is ridiculous. Kathy can’t match the background of privileged class such as David McCormick. She didn’t choose where she was born. Statistically speaking, a person with Kathy’s background wouldn’t make a senate candidate. They end up in far worse situations in their life.

But there she is. Rather than living bitter and complaining in life, she has done okay despite all the odds against her. She served in the military, got education, have kids and a family.

And now, with very little money, she has run her campaign effectively.

Most Americans are not born in privilege. They work hard. They work odd jobs. They attend various educational programs. They do many things to pay their bills and put food on the table for their families. All these don’t end up in resumes. Their path is not linear. The establishment looks for olympiads, Ivy Leagues, Big Tech, Big Banks in resumes. Obviously, Kathies of America cannot provide that. That’s probably the single biggest crisis this country faces; privileged people trying to solve the problem of the poor and the middle class. The only problem is that they have no experience of being poor or middle class.

* Written in response to various negative coverage of Kathy’s personal background. Not examining views or positions. Not written to endorse or attack any candidate.