Why electing Donald Trump is critical for America

Nearly eighteen months after Donald Trump launched his campaign to restore the integrity and values of America, we have come to know a lot about the corruption and collusion between politicians and establishment media. When Trump said the system is rigged, he said without much proof. What later unfolded in a series of leaks, every allegation made by Mr. Trump proved to be right.

Tomorrow, we have a choice to elect a person who would shape the direction of this country founded by very courageous men who refused to inherit any system of the world. They were mostly Europeans but they refused to pay tax to the monarch. They called themselves Americans, dreamed of a land so unique that nearly everyone could become whatever one wanted, declared independence, risked their lives, fought for a free country and established America.

I have no doubt the the founding fathers would have voted for Donald Trump if they were alive

The leaks have shown us the following:
  1. Media does not report news anymore; they report a story based on news. The story is made up of the media company the talk show host or the writer works for. The media is not independent. Media actively participates in politics as a natural person.
  2. Clinton Foundation started by former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton is very questionable. With this vehicle, they became rich.
  3. Hillary Clinton did hundreds of things wrong by setting up a private email server. However, she got away because of the “Hillary Standard” – a standard that allows her to do anything and get away while others who do much less are in serious trouble. She was successful in proving that she was above the law.
  4. President Barack Obama tried to save Hillary Clinton using all his powers. After a politician is elected as the President, he has the duty to become president of everyone, not just the political party he is associated with.
  5. Even the Clinton Campaign does not think she is really fit to be president. Huma Abedin says Hillary is “often confused” and John Podesta says Hillary has “bad instincts”.
  6. Democrat Party approves the path of violence to win election. Videos released by Project Veritas show that the party hired and paid people to go to Donald Trump’s rally and create problems. This is often seen in the third world where the opposing party plants a character to disrupt the rally of the other party and blames that they are violent. It’s sick to import such a disgusting practice to win elections in the United States. It’s no surprise that some violent democrats went on to disturb Trump rallies. It attests that Democrats are less tolerant of opposing views.
  7. Democrat party loves to play the race, religion, gender, and all cards that divide America. Somehow they argue that jobs, economy, and security are not women’s problems. Somehow they persuade the Black American and Hispanic voters that job is not a major issue. They focus so much on race relations as a selling point that they forget that the lack of jobs makes the people take wrong paths. Hillary has no idea what it is like to be around the poor neighborhoods.
  8. Democrat party loves the minorities votes but it does not like the minorities. After Hillary brings thousands of refugees, they would mostly be settled in the low-income neighborhoods. This community is already suffering from high crime and unemployment. If Hillary were to care for these voters, she would propose ways to uplift this struggling class.
  9. Democrat party fails to understand why Immigrants come to the US. Immigrants don’t want the system of their home country to be implemented in the US. When Mexicans, Indians, Kenyans, or Brazilians immigrate to the US, they want to experience better than what they experienced in their home countries. Democrat party loves to label these people as “Hispanic American”, and “African American” and somehow thinks their needs are different than  “Americans”.
  10. Hillary Clinton wants an open border. It’s frightening to imagine what open borders would do to America.
You don’t have to look at all the bad things that the Democrat party stands for. You could simply look at what Donald Trump stands for.
  1. America First – this means most and no voter should take it lightly
  2. Economy and Jobs
  3. Rebuilding America
  4. Law and Order
  5. Freedom to defend
  6. Prosperity for all Americans
  7. Strong military
  8. American interests
  9. American values and integrity

In eighteen months, Trump has shown Americans that this election is an outsider versus the establishment. He has been watching politics for decades and he repeatedly said that he would not want to do politics. He loved what he did.

He had to make the ultimate sacrifice of ditching his great lifestyle. Unlike other billionaires who love making noise for cheap popularity, Trump took the matter into his own hands to Make America Great Again!

Trump has many shortcomings, no question about it. He has said things that no one should be proud of. Yet, his shortcomings should not grant an open pass for Hillary Clinton. Comparatively, she has done the wrong things exponentially. Trump’s words may be offensive but Hillary’s actions have been disastrous in the US and abroad.

Elections are not about politics and power. It determines what we will be after a few decades. Just think before you vote!