Because of lack of vision, leadership, strategy and unwillingness to execute President Trump’s growth agenda, Democrats will continue to lose in future elections


Donald Trump launched his election bid in July 2015. He campaigned for nearly eighteen months. Pundits around the world had never imagined he would win. There is only one reason behind this: Trump was more connected to the voters than the Pundits. Embarrassed by the defeat and their whole prediction on the election, Pundits continue

Why electing Donald Trump is critical for America

Nearly eighteen months after Donald Trump launched his campaign to restore the integrity and values of America, we have come to know a lot about the corruption and collusion between politicians and establishment media. When Trump said the system is rigged, he said without much proof. What later unfolded in a series of leaks, every

Donald Trump showing the biggest turnaround in history


The Wounded Tiger is back. The next thirty days would leave the left and media scratching their heads. With the release of the tape last week, Democrats and Media had written off Trump’s campaign. What they lacked was the judgment that this is no political candidate and certainly not a predictable one. The post-debate turnaround

Khizr Khan got applause for the services of his son at the DNC but his speech has no relevance to Donald Trump’s campaign

Khizr Khan stole the show at the Democratic National Convention by vehemently attacking Donald Trump. His speech offered no value though. Donald Trump has never said to deport US Citizens or US Citizen Muslims Donald Trump had advocated to prevent certain foreign Muslims from entering in the United States. He has said that he would

Riding on The Trump Train to Make America Great Again

When I wrote this post back in 2014 shortly after the Indian elections, Trump didn’t occur in my mind.  I had said that we are noticing more and more people becoming conservatives. I drew a parallel between the United States and India as these two nations represent the largest democracies in the world. Little did