The labor market must keep on tightening to increase wages and put all Americans at work

Deregulation, business friendly policies and focus on helping Americans have resulted in a tight labor market. If Trump’s immigration policies are implemented, no American will remain unemployed. Although there is no factual data on how many illegal immigrants are in the country, there are reports that suggest anywhere between 20 to 60 million. This has

Trump Wants to Curb Birthright Citizenship, Escalating Immigration Debate – WSJ

President Trump said he wants to unilaterally terminate the automatic right to citizenship for children born in the U.S. to noncitizens, a suggestion that drew mixed reactions from fellow Republicans and that legal experts said would be unconstitutional. “It’s in the process. It’ll happen, with an executive order,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with

Some thoughts on why GOP is losing historical red districts like Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District

As I had mentioned in a post right after Steve Bannon was ousted by the liberal wing in the White House, Steve Bannon’s departure was indeed a symbolic weakening of “Trump Momentum”.  There are many reasons why a conservative democrat Conor Lamb won in the deep red district and republican Rick Saccone lost by a razor

Why electing Donald Trump is critical for America

Nearly eighteen months after Donald Trump launched his campaign to restore the integrity and values of America, we have come to know a lot about the corruption and collusion between politicians and establishment media. When Trump said the system is rigged, he said without much proof. What later unfolded in a series of leaks, every

Khizr Khan got applause for the services of his son at the DNC but his speech has no relevance to Donald Trump’s campaign

Khizr Khan stole the show at the Democratic National Convention by vehemently attacking Donald Trump. His speech offered no value though. Donald Trump has never said to deport US Citizens or US Citizen Muslims Donald Trump had advocated to prevent certain foreign Muslims from entering in the United States. He has said that he would